I have recently completed a new painting for the Mouth and Foot Painting Artists. It was based on a beautiful photograph by a photographer friend of ours who generously allows me to use her work as source material. It's of a bridge in the southern Lake District in the UK, and I hope it may be used by MFPA at some point in the future. It was literally a breath of fresh air making this image, getting to stare at a sunny early summer view through the grey and wet winter months! It's a fairly large painting for me again, the same size as the Purple Tuesday commission, 18" x 14". I have since then finished another one, this time a smaller canvas of a robin, which will be sent in soon. I'll update with that one in the next few weeks, and there will be some canvas prep going on today for the next three. This basically consists of painting the canvas with buff titanium acrylic paint to knock out the dreaded white background. It also gives a bit more tooth and texture to work on. I'm planning on another steam train painting this year, it's been a while.
Here's the full colour version of the painting, more soon!